
This anti-aging yoga video will help with your face! It is a short yoga video that will assist you in using the facial muscles that will help you with anti-aging techniques. This will be a great video to help you get your laugh lines and crows feet taken care of. As an added bonus, there will be some moves that you do that will help you work the neck muscles, where the extra skin can hang as we get older.

The more you do this video, the more of an effect you will see. This yoga sequence can be done by all levels. ALWAYS listen to your body so you avoid injury! It is best to practice yoga often; even 10 minutes a day can help so much with flexibility and overall well-being.

I recommend checking out some other videos that go in-depth about how to do the yoga postures. It can help you with alignment and keep you from getting injured! Here are the links!!

Root Lock (Mal Bandh): https://youtu.be/GPKcD2fhWPA

Diaphram Lock (Uddiyana Bandh): https://youtu.be/CBE8t0Qxouc

Throat Lock (Jalandhara Bandh): https://youtu.be/9ZO1L86Qh2M

Downward Facing Dog: https://youtu.be/4ywKCDdjxzQ

Upward Facing Dog: https://youtu.be/rEJAhJSl1_Y

Child’s Pose: https://youtu.be/HzqguW-mpBE

Standing Mountain Pose: https://youtu.be/dyk-3ZOX_ic

Bound Angle Pose: https://youtu.be/sssqd8I8Vpg

Fish Pose: https://youtu.be/sqh1kyvUxds

Cow Pose: https://youtu.be/s_yyBXRANeE

Cat Pose: https://youtu.be/nrDDunVKNU4

 May love and light be yours!



Instagram: @jessiecolewellness

TikTok: @jessiecolewellness