
This video will help you feel great if you have not been feeling so hot lately.

We will take some time to relax and check-in with our bodies.

Meditation is a powerful way to feel great and is often not utilized or recognized for its benefits.

We will use some calming forward folds to help us ground and release any tension or anxiety that may be bothering us.

By the time you are done with this video, you should be feeling great.

May love and light be yours!



This video will help you feel great if you have not been feeling so hot lately.

We will take some time to relax and check in with our bodies.

Meditation is a powerful way to feel great, and is often not utilized or recognized for its bennefits.

We will use some calming forward folds to help us ground and release any tension or anxiety that may be bothering us.

By the time you are done with this video, you should be feeling great.

May love and light be yours!



#healthyyogi #meditation #selflove